About Fire TCP
The Fire Training Certification Program (Fire TCP) launched in 2016. Fire TCP’s goal is to ensure that the highest professional standards in fire training are being used to certify training courses. Fire TCP utilizes industry experts selected by ISFSI, to certify course content for excellence and quality training. Read more to learn about our process in detail.
Fire Training Certification Program
The Collaboration
The Fire Training Certification Program is a collaborative effort between the International Society of Fire Service Instructors (ISFSI) and Envisage Technologies, LLC.
The Process
- Course certification starts with quality reviewers. ISFSI selects Fire TCP reviewers based on their experience, background, and expertise.
- Next, training providers add their training course to the FirstForward® marketplace. Courses on FirstForward are visible to all other first responders who are enrolled on FirstForward.
- Once a course is on FirstForward® the provider can apply for certification. Expert reviewers certify course content based on the FireTCP criteria for quality training.
- Finally, courses evaluated to be the best of the best, are granted the Fire TCP Seal of excellence. The Fire TCP seal sets your course apart from others in the fire industry. Every diploma issued for course completion also has the Fire TCP seal.
The Benefits
- Fire TCP helps standardize fire training, while connecting fire and first responder professionals in the process.
- Certifying and standardizing training courses helps other professionals across the nation gain access to quality training.
- Placing your fire training course on FirstForward® helps maximize your visibility as a content creator.
- Course certification is valid for two years before recertification is necessary.
Get Involved
For more information, or to get involved with Fire TCP send a message to [email protected]. Start your certification today!